Draft Implementation

The aim of the scripts below is to scrape data from my local node and try to find a correlation between Tor and clearnet connections.

Script flow

  1. Initiates connection to a victim node running on localhost
  2. Establishes a handshake connection
  3. Collects peer information by sending GetAddr requests
  4. Scrapes and analyze:
    • IP addresses
    • Timestamps
    • Service flags

Current Observations

The script successfully fetches peer data from the victim node. However, the retrieved IP addresses tend to remain relatively constant between requests

  • create_connection (creates a socket connection to my local node)
  • create_message (Defines Version Message details and then create version message using the payload) and send the message via our socket
  • wait a few seconds for a response from local connection
  • Decode the data thats being returned, we want ti=o check the command thats being sent as part of the response(since we had sent a version message we should get a verack message )
  • After getting a verack message we send a getaddr request and wait for the response and this completes the handshake process
  • Finally we get addr message and decode the response to get, addresses, timestamp and services
  • This goes on until we have no new new_addresses

    I wanted to collect as much data from both connections (tor and clearnet) as possible

    My observation is that both clearnet and tor return the same addresses over and over, the range from the count is constantly between 253 and 260 even after running the script multiple times

First image
                import socket
                import struct
                import time
                import random
                from hashlib import sha256
                import ipaddress
                from datetime import datetime
                import socks
                def decode_netaddr(data, with_time=True):
                    pos = 0
                    if with_time:
                        timestamp = struct.unpack('<I', data[pos:pos+4])[0]
                        pos += 4
                        timestamp = int(time.time())
                    services = struct.unpack('<Q', data[pos:pos+8])[0]
                    pos += 8

                    ipbytes = data[pos:pos+16]
                    pos += 16
                    if ipbytes.startswith(b'\x00' * 10 + b'\xff\xff'):
                        ip = str(ipaddress.IPv4Address(ipbytes[-4:]))
                        ip = str(ipaddress.IPv6Address(ipbytes))
                    port = struct.unpack('>H', data[pos:pos+2])[0]
                    return {
                        'timestamp': datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
                        'services': f"0x{services:x}",
                        'ip': ip,
                        'port': port
                def decode_addr_message(payload):
                    addresses = []
                    pos = 0
                    # count of address 
                    count = int(payload[pos])
                    pos += 1
                    for _ in range(count):
                        if pos + 30 > len(payload):
                        addr = decode_netaddr(payload[pos:pos+30])
                        pos += 30
                    return addresses
                def create_message(command, payload=b''):
                    magic = 0xD9B4BEF9
                    command_bytes = command.encode('ascii') + b'\0' * (12 - len(command))
                    length = len(payload)
                    # Checksum is first 4 bytes of double SHA256 of payload
                    if length > 0:
                        checksum = sha256(sha256(payload).digest()).digest()[:4]
                        checksum = b'\x5D\xF6\xE0\xE2'  # Checksum for empty payload
                    # Construct message
                    message = struct.pack('<L12sL4s', magic, command_bytes, length, checksum)
                    if payload:
                        message += payload
                    return message
                def parse_message_header(data):
                    if len(data) < 24:  # Header is 24 bytes
                        return None, None, None, None
                    magic, command, length, checksum = struct.unpack('<L12sL4s', data[:24])
                    command = command.strip(b'\0').decode('ascii')
                    return magic, command, length, checksum
                def create_connection(use_tor=False, target_host='', port=8333):
                    """Create either a regular socket or Tor socket connection"""
                    if use_tor:
                        sock = socks.socksocket()
                        sock.set_proxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, "", 9050)
                        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                    return sock
                def send_getaddr(use_tor=False, target_host='', port=8333):
                    addresses = []
                        sock = create_connection(use_tor)
                        print(f"Connecting to {target_host}:{port} via {'Tor' if use_tor else 'Clearnet'}...")
                        sock.connect((target_host, port))
                        # sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                        # sock.settimeout(30)
                        # print("Connecting to node...")
                        # sock.connect(('', 8333))
                        # Send version message
                        version = 70015
                        services = 0
                        timestamp = int(time.time())
                        addr_recv_services = struct.pack('<Q', services)
                        addr_trans_services = struct.pack('<Q', services)
                        addr_recv_ip = b'\x00' * 10 + b'\xff\xff' + socket.inet_aton('')
                        addr_recv_port = struct.pack('>H', 8333)
                        addr_trans_ip = b'\x00' * 10 + b'\xff\xff' + socket.inet_aton('')
                        addr_trans_port = struct.pack('>H', 8333)
                        nonce = random.getrandbits(64)
                        user_agent = b"/TestNode:0.0.1/"
                        start_height = 0
                        relay = True
                        version_payload = struct.pack('<IQQ', version, services, timestamp)
                        version_payload += addr_recv_services + addr_recv_ip + addr_recv_port
                        version_payload += addr_trans_services + addr_trans_ip + addr_trans_port
                        version_payload += struct.pack('<Q', nonce)
                        version_payload += bytes([len(user_agent)]) + user_agent
                        version_payload += struct.pack('<I?', start_height, relay)
                        print("Sending version message...")
                        sock.send(create_message('version', version_payload))
                        # Process responses
                        buffer = b''
                        handshake_complete = False
                        addresses = []
                        while True:
                            data = sock.recv(1024)
                            if not data:
                            buffer += data
                            while len(buffer) >= 24:  # Header size
                                magic, command, length = struct.unpack('<L12sL', buffer[:20])
                                command = command.strip(b'\0').decode('ascii')
                                if len(buffer) < 24 + length:
                                message = buffer[24:24+length]
                                buffer = buffer[24+length:]
                                print(f"Received command: {command}")
                                if command == 'version':
                                    print("Sending verack...")
                                elif command == 'verack':
                                    if not handshake_complete:
                                        print("Sending getaddr...")
                                        handshake_complete = True
                                elif command == 'addr':
                                    new_addresses = decode_addr_message(message)
                                    print(f"Decoded {len(new_addresses)} addresses")
                                    for addr in new_addresses:
                                        print(f"\nIP: {addr['ip']}:{addr['port']}")
                                        print(f"Time: {addr['timestamp']}")
                                        print(f"Services: {addr['services']}")
                    except Exception as e:
                        print(f"Error: {str(e)}")
                        print("Connection closed")
                        return addresses
                if __name__ == "__main__":
                    # Test clearnet
                    print("Testing clearnet connection...")
                    clearnet_addresses = send_getaddr(use_tor=False)
                    print("\nTotal clearnet addresses received:", len(clearnet_addresses))
                    # Test Tor (if you have an onion address to test)
                    print("\nTesting Tor connection...")
                    tor_addresses = send_getaddr(use_tor=True, target_host='hs26bmwa22yst7s7eyolyerj3ffiy6e26ayhw7g3qzlunndiwaty7ryd.onion')
                    print("\nTotal Tor addresses received:", len(tor_addresses))


Output from script above

                    IP: 0:2600:1700:22d9:981f:e8af:1273:3e5b:9555                                                                                                                                            
                    Time: 2056-05-01 03:47:28                                                                                                                                                                
                    Services: 0xc09673d                                                                                                                                                                      
                    IP: ::ffff:4d39:21072                                                                                                                                                                    
                    Time: 2030-07-01 22:42:24                                                                                                                                                                
                    Services: 0xc496732                                                                                                                                                                      
                    IP: 0:2409:8a55:213:1060:73ef:9f47:beff:65089                                                                                                                                            
                    Time: 2091-02-22 04:53:36                                                                                                                                                                
                    Services: 0xc086748                                                                                                                                                                      
                    IP: 0:2001:1c01:3016:f700:ecc4:dca6:bcdb:58440                                                                                                                                           
                    Time: 2022-05-29 18:11:28                                                                                                                                                                
                    Services: 0x4086738                                                                                                                                                                      
                    IP: ::ffff:5004:6335                                                                                                                                                                     
                    Time: 2001-07-14 03:06:56                                                                                                                                                                
                    Services: 0xc08673e                                                                                                                                                                      
                    IP: ::ffff:179a:45340                                                                                                                                                                    
                    Time: 2034-04-27 14:53:04                                                                                                                                                                
                    Services: 0xc7d674d                                                                                                                                                                      
                    Error: timed out                                                                                                                                                                         
                    Connection closed                                                                                                                                                                        
                    Total clearnet addresses received: 253                                                                                                                                                   
                    Testing Tor connection...                                                                                                                                                                
                    Connecting to hs26bmwa22yst7s7eyolyerj3ffiy6e26ayhw7g3qzlunndiwaty7ryd.onion:8333 via Tor...                                                                                             
                    Sending version message...                                                                                                                                                               
                    Received command: version                                                                                                                                                                
                    Sending verack...                                                                                                                                                                        
                    Received command: verack                                                                                                                                                                 
                    Sending getaddr...                                                                                                                                                                       
                    Received command: sendcmpct                                                                                                                                                              
                    Received command: ping                                                                                                                                                                   
                    Received command: feefilter                                                                                                                                                              
                    Received command: addr                                                                                                                                                                   
                    Decoded 253 addresses 

                    IP: ::ffff:4832:1365
                    Time: 2077-03-27 09:43:44
                    Services: 0x4096740
                    IP: 0:2600:1700:22d9:981f:e8af:1273:3e5b:9555
                    Time: 2056-05-01 03:47:28
                    Services: 0xc09673d
                    IP: ::ffff:4d39:21072
                    Time: 2030-07-01 22:42:24
                    Services: 0xc496732
                    IP: 0:2409:8a55:213:1060:73ef:9f47:beff:65089
                    Time: 2091-02-22 04:53:36
                    Services: 0xc086748
                    IP: 0:2001:1c01:3016:f700:ecc4:dca6:bcdb:58440
                    Time: 2022-05-29 18:11:28
                    Services: 0x4086738
                    IP: ::ffff:5004:6335
                    Time: 2001-07-14 03:06:56
                    Services: 0xc08673e
                    IP: ::ffff:179a:45340
                    Time: 2034-04-27 14:53:04
                    Services: 0xc7d674d
                    Received command: addr
                    Decoded 2 addresses
                    Time: 2024-12-03 23:00:57
                    Services: 0x409
                    Time: 2024-12-03 22:56:22
                    Services: 0x409
                    Error: timed out
                    Connection closed
                    Total Tor addresses received: 255

Analyze timestamp Script

Script Flow

When timestamps from different addresses are very close together, it might indicate:

  • The addresses belong to the same node
  • The addresses were discovered at the same time
  • The addresses are part of the same network or peer group
                    from datetime import datetime
                    import numpy as np
                    from collections import defaultdict
                    from getaddr_test import send_getaddr    
                    import time
                    def collect_samples(delay_between=60, num_samples=5):
                        """Collect multiple samples from both clearnet and Tor"""
                        all_samples = []
                        for i in range(num_samples):
                            print(f"\nCollecting sample {i+1}/{num_samples}")
                            sample = {
                                'timestamp': datetime.now(),
                                'clearnet': send_getaddr(use_tor=False),
                                'tor': send_getaddr(
                            if i < num_samples - 1:
                                print(f"Waiting {delay_between} seconds...")
                        return all_samples
                    def analyze_timestamps(addresses, time_threshold=300):
                        timestamp_groups = defaultdict(list)
                        for addr in addresses:
                                # Parse the timestamp string into a datetime object
                                dt = datetime.strptime(addr['timestamp'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                                unix_ts = int(dt.timestamp())
                                    'ip': addr['ip'],
                                    'port': addr['port'],
                                    'services': addr['services']
                            except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
                                print(f"Error processing timestamp for address: {addr}")
                        print(f"\nAnalyzing {len(addresses)} addresses for timestamp correlations...")
                        print(f"Using time threshold of {time_threshold} seconds")
                        # Find related timestamps
                        correlated_nodes = []
                        timestamps = sorted(timestamp_groups.keys())
                        for i in range(len(timestamps)):
                            current_group = []
                            base_ts = timestamps[i]
                            for j in range(i + 1, len(timestamps)):
                                if timestamps[j] - base_ts <= time_threshold:
                                    if not current_group:
                            if current_group:
                                    'timestamp': datetime.fromtimestamp(base_ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
                                    'nodes': current_group,
                                    'count': len(current_group)
                        # Print findings
                        if correlated_nodes:
                            print("\nFound potentially correlated nodes:")
                            for group in correlated_nodes:
                                print(f"\nTimestamp cluster at {group['timestamp']} with {group['count']} nodes:")
                                for node in group['nodes'][:5]:  # Show first 5 nodes in each group
                                    print(f"  IP: {node['ip']}:{node['port']} Services: {node['services']}")
                                if len(group['nodes']) > 5:
                                    print(f"  ... and {len(group['nodes']) - 5} more nodes")
                            print("\nNo suspicious timestamp correlations found")
                        return correlated_nodes
                    def detect_fingerprinting(addresses):
                        print("\nAnalyzing for potential fingerprinting patterns...")
                        # Group by /16 subnets
                        subnet_groups = defaultdict(list)
                        for addr in addresses:
                                if '::ffff:' in addr['ip']:  # Handle IPv4-mapped-IPv6 addresses
                                    ip_parts = addr['ip'].split(':')[-1].split('.')
                                    subnet = '.'.join(ip_parts[:2])
                            except Exception as e:
                                print(f"Error processing IP address: {addr}")
                        suspicious_patterns = []
                        for subnet, nodes in subnet_groups.items():
                            if len(nodes) < 3:  # Need at least 3 nodes for meaningful analysis
                            # Analyze timestamp patterns
                            timestamps = []
                            for node in nodes:
                                    dt = datetime.strptime(node['timestamp'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                                except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
                                    print(f"Error processing timestamp in subnet analysis: {node}")
                            if len(timestamps) < 3:  # Skip if we don't have enough valid timestamps
                            time_diffs = np.diff(timestamps)
                            if len(time_diffs) > 0:
                                mean_diff = np.mean(time_diffs)
                                std_diff = np.std(time_diffs)
                                # Check for suspiciously regular patterns
                                if std_diff < mean_diff * 0.1:
                                        'subnet': subnet,
                                        'node_count': len(nodes),
                                        'mean_time_diff': mean_diff,
                                        'std_diff': std_diff,
                                        'nodes': nodes
                        # Print findings
                        if suspicious_patterns:
                            print("\nFound suspicious patterns that might indicate fingerprinting:")
                            for pattern in suspicious_patterns:
                                print(f"\nSubnet: {pattern['subnet']}")
                                print(f"Node count: {pattern['node_count']}")
                                print(f"Mean time difference: {pattern['mean_time_diff']:.2f} seconds")
                                print(f"Time difference standard deviation: {pattern['std_diff']:.2f}")
                                print("Sample nodes:")
                                for node in pattern['nodes'][:3]:  # Show first 3 nodes
                                    print(f"  IP: {node['ip']}:{node['port']} Time: {node['timestamp']}")
                            print("\nNo suspicious fingerprinting patterns detected")
                        return suspicious_patterns
                    def analyze_network_differences(samples):
                        """Analyze differences between clearnet and Tor responses"""
                        for sample in samples:
                            clearnet_addrs = sample['clearnet']
                            tor_addrs = sample['tor']
                            print(f"\nAnalyzing sample from {sample['timestamp']}:")
                            print(f"Clearnet addresses: {len(clearnet_addrs)}")
                            print(f"Tor addresses: {len(tor_addrs)}")
                            # Analyze each network separately
                            print("\nClearnet Analysis:")
                            print("\nTor Analysis:")
                    def analyze_cross_network_correlations(clearnet_addrs, tor_addrs, time_threshold=300):
                        Compare addresses between clearnet and Tor to find correlations
                        print("\nAnalyzing cross-network correlations...")
                        print(f"Comparing {len(clearnet_addrs)} clearnet addresses with {len(tor_addrs)} Tor addresses")
                        # Store timestamps and services for both networks
                        correlations = []
                        for c_addr in clearnet_addrs:
                            c_time = datetime.strptime(c_addr['timestamp'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                            c_unix = int(c_time.timestamp())
                            c_services = c_addr['services']
                            for t_addr in tor_addrs:
                                t_time = datetime.strptime(t_addr['timestamp'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                                t_unix = int(t_time.timestamp())
                                t_services = t_addr['services']
                                # Check for similar timestamps and matching services
                                if abs(c_unix - t_unix) <= time_threshold:
                                        'clearnet_addr': c_addr,
                                        'tor_addr': t_addr,
                                        'time_difference': abs(c_unix - t_unix),
                                        'services_match': c_services == t_services
                        if correlations:
                            print(f"\nFound {len(correlations)} cross-network correlations:")
                            for corr in correlations:
                                print(f"Clearnet: {corr['clearnet_addr']['ip']}:{corr['clearnet_addr']['port']}")
                                print(f"Tor: {corr['tor_addr']['ip']}:{corr['tor_addr']['port']}")
                                print(f"Time difference: {corr['time_difference']} seconds")
                                print(f"Services match: {corr['services_match']}")
                                print(f"Clearnet services: {corr['clearnet_addr']['services']}")
                                print(f"Tor services: {corr['tor_addr']['services']}")
                            print("\nNo cross-network correlations found")
                        return correlations
                    if __name__ == "__main__":
                        print("Starting data collection...")
                        samples = collect_samples(delay_between=300, num_samples=3)
                        all_correlations = []
                        for sample in samples:
                            print(f"\nAnalyzing sample from {sample['timestamp']}:")
                            # Cross-network analysis
                            correlations = analyze_cross_network_correlations(
                            # Individual network analysis
                        # Final summary
                        print("\nFinal Analysis Summary:")
                        print(f"Total samples analyzed: {len(samples)}")
                        print(f"Total correlations found: {len(all_correlations)}")
                        if all_correlations:
                            matching_services = sum(1 for c in all_correlations if c['services_match'])
                            print(f"Correlations with matching services: {matching_services}")
                            avg_time_diff = sum(c['time_difference'] for c in all_correlations) / len(all_correlations)
                            print(f"Average time difference: {avg_time_diff:.2f} seconds")

    Sample Output

    Received 253 addresses
    Analyzing 253 addresses for timestamp correlations...
    Using time threshold of 300 seconds
    No suspicious timestamp correlations found
    Analyzing for potential fingerprinting patterns...
    No suspicious fingerprinting patterns detected
    Analysis Summary:
    Total addresses analyzed: 253
    Correlated timestamp groups found: 0
    Suspicious fingerprinting patterns found: 0
    No suspicious timestamp correlations found
    Analyzing for potential fingerprinting patterns...
    No suspicious fingerprinting patterns detected
    Analyzing sample from 2024-12-03 15:36:47.778225:
    Clearnet addresses: 253
    Tor addresses: 0
    Clearnet Analysis:
    Analyzing 253 addresses for timestamp correlations...
    Using time threshold of 300 seconds
    No suspicious timestamp correlations found
    Analyzing for potential fingerprinting patterns...
    No suspicious fingerprinting patterns detected
    Tor Analysis:
    Analyzing 0 addresses for timestamp correlations...
    Using time threshold of 300 seconds
    No suspicious timestamp correlations found
    Analyzing for potential fingerprinting patterns...
    No suspicious fingerprinting patterns detected
    Final Analysis Summary:
    Total samples analyzed: 3
    Total correlations found: 0